Monday, July 31, 2006

Cars: Crazy over Tractors

Ever since Boznik got hooked on Baby Einstein – Baby Mcdonald. He has been bugging everyone about buying him a tractor. But with all the other cars lying around the house, I couldn’t say yes without turning our room into a museum of toy cars. To settle the issue, I told him to wait until he is already big enough to marry an haciendera then he will have a farm and a tractor to himself. Didn’t work I guess because now, he is not only asking us to buy him a tractor but also buy him a farm!

I told his grandparents not to mind this fixation with tractors as it will pass like any other. His nanay though, does not share my sentiments. I couldn’t blame her. She’s stuck with him 7 to 5:00 and she would hear Boz go on and on and on about the tractor and the farm. So after four days of tractor litany, she took him to Gaisano and bought him a tractor. From her own money! I was ridden with guilt… but only for a minute. Hahahahhahaha!

So there he is all beaming with his yellow tractor which didn’t even take a day before some of its parts came off (what do you expect?). I don’t mind though because I believe that the joy of playing a toy comes with knowing how to dismantle its parts (something I never had a chance to do in my childhood).

But the real treat in this tractor story came when we visited my folks in Sum-ag and lo and behold! The blue tractor sitting at my grandma’s porch! You should see Boz, all mesmerized at the site of the real tractor. He circled the tractor, touched the wheels all eyes wide in amazement at the sight of the real thing. He didn’t even hesitate when we made him sit by the driver’s seat! He was so happy! The only down side of it all was that we had to make up stories after 30 minutes because he wouldn’t come off it. And when he did, we were hearing the tractor story over and over again.

Three weeks from now, we will be visiting my grandma’s house again. And he will once again reunite with the blue tractor. Until then, we will be playing with his yellow tractor, looking at his pictures and listening to his stories about how big the real thing was and how happy he was riding on it.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Kudos Boznik

You never cease to amaze me, son. At how, in your young age, you can already scheme you way into getting what you want. Just like what you did to your papa last night. Him, surfing the net, enjoying a quiet evening with the pc to himself. Then you come to him demanding that he loads the Little Einsteins web page (obviously the flavor of the week). He dismisses you, telling you he is busy.

You stop bugging him for three seconds, then, you tell him to vacate his seat. When he asks you why, you say, “Papa chia pork beans” loosely suggesting that Papa should go out and eat Pork and Beans (another favorite – flavor of the month this time). At that very instant, I broke into laughter in disbelief. Papa didn’t get it at first and so I had to explain to him what you meant. Then he played along and told you to go look for pork and beans so he can go eat.

You run out of the room and go straight to the pantry looking for pork and beans. You even managed to involve Yammy (the housekeeper), Am Ma (your grandma) and Alex (your uncle) in the ultimate quest for the can of pork and beans that will become your bargaining power over the mighty lord of the pc (your papa, of course).

We could hear the commotion from the kitchen and so I asked your papa to check on you. So he went out finding you all sweaty asking everyone for a can of pork and beans. And when you saw him, you rushed back into the room, and claimed the most coveted throne. You my son, outwitted the mighty lord of the pc.

Cheers! Cheers! Looking forward to more challenging moments ahead!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Welcome Me!

No day would pass by without me marveling at how my life has changed because of my son. He's by far number one on my priority list. Recently we bought this book First 1000 Words It's been keeping him occupied these days. That, of course, and all the car toys he's been collecting. Since this is just my first post, allow me to share with you some info about my son. His real name is Jan Benjamin but we call him Boznik. Quite weird, with no semblance to his real name. Well, that's after some debate over what name to give him right after he was born.

My hubby wanted to name him Earl Dominic, while my choice was Aidan Nicholas. Aidan, because I find it cute (after the name of the Carrie's love interest in Sex in the City, loved that show) and Nicholas after no other than my fav actor - Nicolas Cage (one that Miki never approved). Obviously we both didn't get what we wanted and we resolved to name the baby after my grandpa (thank Alex - Miki's bro for the idea!). But of course, Miki did not rest his case after settling with Jan Benjamin and so we decided that our baby will also be known as Boznik Yap. (Boznik - a corruption of Boss Nic: my boss at work; the very reason why I didn't want to name my baby Dominic to dispell any justification that it has something to do with him being my boss, hehehehehe).

There's nothing special about Boz except me being his mom (hahahahhaha!). Being an only child myself, I make it a point that I am able to provide him with all my nurturing and caring. And this blog I dedicate to him so that when he is old enough he'd know what I had to put through during his growing up years.

Read on!